Through the holy anointing and the prayer of the priest, the sick receive the healing power of Christ and are given the strength to unite their suffering to Him. This Sacrament is intended for those who are facing surgery, have been diagnosed with a serious illness, are infirm due to age, or are near death.
To arrange to receive the sacrament, please contact our Parish office at 610-449-3000.
Please call the Rectory Office, 610-566-0185, if you are in need of the Anointing of the Sick. The anointing is for all those of the faithful whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age, is suffering from a chronic illness, a terminal disease, is an elderly individual that age is causing a decline in their health, or if suffering from emotional, physical or psychological distress. The Sacrament of the Sick gives the grace of the Holy Spirit to those who are sick; by this grace the whole person is helped and saved, sustained by trust in God and strengthened against the temptations of the evil one and anxiety over death. It is an opportunity for all those who would like the healing hands of God to touch them and give them the strength to go through the journey of healing and wholeness. |